Location: Park and Ride near Benfield Blvd and I-97 in Millersville, generic MD
Summary: Both turn lanes were repaired and opened to traffic in less than 18 hours. Full video overview at YouTube.com/Concrete4MD.
Scope: Maryland State Highway Administration and the Concrete Industry combined efforts to demonstrate fast track concrete overlay construction of asphalt pavements. The demonstration was performed in a parking lot where highway traffic conditions affecting construction operations could be simulated. The area to be paved was laid out as two, cure 170 foot long, discount 12-foot wide adjacent travel lanes. The existing asphalt pavement was milled, cleaned and then re-paved with a 3 inch thick, high-early strength concrete. Match cure cylinders were made and broken on site to determine when a specified compressive strength of 2500 psi was achieved. The concrete reached the specified strength in 4 hours and the lane closure was shifted. The second lane was milled, cleaned and repaved with the same concrete mix. Again, the concrete reached 2500 psi in 4 hours and the lane was opened to traffic.
Date: May 8, 2010