Location: Montgomery County, site SHA District 3
Exsiting Pavement:
- Six-lane divided, Urban highway with Turn Lanes
- Total project length is approximately 0.60 miles
- HMA Pavement constructed in 1995
- AADT: 38,100 with 5% trucks (2009)
- 2011 IRI: 151
Project Highlights:
- First project in SHA District 3 for Concrete Overlay
- First project in MD with more than one leg of the intersection (Total 3 legs included)
- Bonded Concrete Overlay on existing HMA Pavement after 6” Grinding
- 6” thick
- 6’ X 6’ Joint Spacing
- Work Completed over a series of weekends in less than 2 months
- Heavily travelled corridor in the Washington Metropolitan area servicing daily commuters, transit users, pedestrians, and cyclists
- Work done only during the weekends